Friday, March 12, 2010

The Lost Generation

Your opinion and reflection please.
What do you think? Are you part of the lost generation? In what ways are you or are you NOT?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I am part of neither. I am tired of being thrown into a pot with everyone. I may be an American, but I am Sam, first and for most. I am tired of hearing the word religion. It is not what you know, it’s WHO you know that counts. Why must I be averaged in with the rest of the world? Why must I conform to someone else’s average? Why can I not just be myself? I am not part of a lost generation, because I know exactly what I want to do before I reach heaven. I know where I am, and I know where I want to go. As for HOW I AM GETTING THERE, only GOD knows that, and I trust that he has my best interest in mind. I am not part of a lost generation, I am part of a New One. One Nation, Under GOD. “I am the generation.”

Enas Osman said...

I feel like everyone has their own life to live and everyone lives their life differently. I don't like being compared to anyone or being told what and how to do something. In a way I disagree with what Sam is saying. Religion is an important part in some peoples life. well that's my opinion anyways. It's what Ive grown up to believe and it has always been my choice to believe that.

Joey said...

This generation is not lost. If anything, I believe that this generation is advancing. Most people understand that money does not make you happy and that happiness can only come from within. Keeping a family together is work. Employers understand that. Life has become about how quickly things can get done. People care more about themselves then the earth but are not completely careless. My generation is not lethargic and there is hope.